Although for the past few days here in Georgia it seems Old Man Winter has risen from the grave with one last grasp of cold weather, it technically is Spring, even if it’s a little delayed. In a couple of days the temperatures will rise, the flowers will bloom and this cold snap will be but a memory. With the weather warming up, it will be a great time to get out there and see just how your house fared during the winter!
Any decent home maintenance plan will include the roof at the top of the list. After all, your roof is the main thing standing between the elements and your most treasure possessions and family! If you keep up with maintenance and prepared your home last fall, you likely didn’t have to deal with too much this winter, but there were a few events that may have caused damage you cannot see. Now is a great time to have a roofing crew come out and inspect your roof for any damage or wear that may have occurred.
Why have a roof inspection when there isn’t any noticeable problems? Because many roofing problems begin small and grow into large problems, oftentimes without the knowledge of the homeowner until it’s too late. In a lot of these cases, had the problem been discovered early, they could have been repaired cheaply, but without a proper inspection, they weren’t discovered and were allowed to run rampant.
Even just taking the time to walk around the house and looking up at your roof can tell you if you need a professional. Do you see loose or missing shingles? How do your gutters look, are they clogged or crooked? Are there dark or moldy looking areas? Is there a lot of debris? If anything looks out of the ordinary from the ground, it’s likely there are more issues on the roof.
Atlanta Roofing Specialists offers free roof inspections and estimates to Metro Atlanta homeowners. While those inclined to go up on a roof may certainly do so and check around for issues and even do small repairs themselves, we don’t recommend it. Not only is it dangerous but improper repairs can cause more damage than it fixes, it can also void your warranty or insurance!
Even if you don’t see any problems, call us today for your Free Roof inspection*, and we’ll draw up a maintenance plan that will maximize the life of your roof and potentially save you thousands! Catching the problem early is key!
Call ARS at 770-419-2222 or chat with us to schedule your inspection today!
* Roof inspection and estimates provided at no charge to property owners only, inspection, reports or other documentation for others such as Realtors available at additional charge starting at $175. Call for details