Roof ventilation is probably one of the more misunderstood aspects of your home. The word itself isn’t so confusing, when you ventilate something you are simply using some method to keep fresh air circulating in an area. Turn on a fan, you’re ventilating! Open a door, you’re ventilating! Open all your windows on a nice day, you’re ventilating! You get the idea.
However, ventilation isn’t just for air circulation, properly ventilated homes actually reduce moisture build-up that can cause damage and leaks as well. In fact, we have seen many roof problems where the sole cause was improper ventilation, not weather, not external force, just improper ventilation. It’s not an uncommon problem. Back “in the day”, proper ventilation was something most home builders simply weren’t aware of and as a result, estimates say as many as 90% of US homes have unacceptably high levels of moisture due to improper ventilation. Chances are, if you are in an older home, you are among those affected and should have an inspection as soon as possible!
Improper ventilation can and often does cause many problems such as mold, condensation, and rot which ends up costing you money in repairs and replacement costs. Damage from condensation and rot not only affects the roof it can damage walls, ceilings, even the frame itself! To top it all off, you end up with increased energy costs, a shortened roof life span and even voiding of warranties! Simply put, if your home isn’t properly ventilated you are throwing money out the window and possibly causing structure problems putting your whole home at risk!
All is not lost however, as solutions exist for every situation, even if your home is older and has no ventilation at all, help is just a phone call or click away! New technologies have been developed in the last decade that allow roofing contractors to correct years of ignorance about ventilation techniques. Atlanta Roofing Specialists are experts in ventilation. Whether it’s roof, attic, or individual rooms, we have a solution to your ventilation problem.
Knowing what to look for and properly evaluate your home for potential ventilation problems is something best left to the experts. Fortunately, Atlanta Roofing Specialists offers free estimates, so if you suspect you may have a problem with ventilation or any other roof problem we have you covered! Call Atlanta Roofing Specialists today at 770-419-2222!